What is a radiotherapy procedure like ?
From the initial conversation to the therapy planning and computer tomography to the therapy and after-care
In the following we would like to inform you about the procedure of a radiotherapy from the initial conversation to the actual therapy. It is important to us that you approach your therapy with confidence and courage. We will be on your side even after the therapy and assist you with advice and deeds.

We will get to know each other, analyse your condition and discuss therapy alternatives
When you come to the our radiotherapy practice in München-Pasing we will take a lot of time to get to know each other. For this appointment you should bring with you all documents (doctor reports and images) that relate to your condition, so we can form a better picture of your health situation.
After welcoming you and the registration by our administrative staff at the reception desk, a physician from our team will take you to his office to calmly and understandably discuss in detail all aspects of your condition. You are welcome to bring any relatives to this conversation.
After we have mutually analysed your condition we will explain the therapy options that will be applicable in your case. We will at all times consider your personal situation and requests.
Since we follow a holistic concept we will also offer advice in the complementary medical sector ».
Together we will create a recommended therapy, which is tailored to your specific situation. It is our objective that after the meeting you will be comprehensively and clearly informed and that you know how we will proceed from there.
After this meeting we want you to leave our München-Pasing practice with new hope.

The outpatient examination is painless and is carried out without contrast media
The next appointment you will have with us is for the planning computer tomography, which is a computer tomography created of the regions to be treated. This will be an outpatient treatment where we do not use any contrast medium.
This treatment does not cause any pain and lasts only a few minutes. Should you suffer from claustrophobic anxiety, this is not a problem since the equipments is not a pipe but more like a ring with a fairly large diameter. For this treatment you do not need to come with an empty stomach. At the end of the treatment we will make small marks with a pen on your skin – and that's it.

Development of a tailor-made radiotherapy plan
The therapy plan: Teamwork of experienced physicians and medical physicists
You do not have to attend this phase. Physician s and medical physicists with the aid of a sophisticated computer software and the previously created planning computer tomography will together plan your therapy. This therapy will be tailored to your specific needs using all information we have collated about your condition and analysed in detail and we will use this information in your treatment plan.
Due to the complexity of many plans this procedure may take a few days. After the experienced and perfectly matched team have completed the radiotherapy plan and it has passed all controls successfully, the plan will be authorized and we can start.

Implementation of the radiotherapy
The outpatient therapy appointments will only take a few minutes and are painless.
The actual radiotherapy will be carried out during outpatient treatments, which means you will only be in treatment for about 30 minutes a day and you can spend the rest of the day in your normal environment. However, we also offer the possibility of stationary admission in the hospital, should this be required.
The individual therapy appointments run mostly like this: you come to the practice, wait for a short while and will be called fairly quickly to the changing room. After that we accompany you to the radiotherapy room, where will assist you settling down on the radiotherapy lounger.
Our MTRAs (medical laboratory radiographers) will then adjust the device as required and will make sure you are comfortable during the radiotherapy. The actual therapy does only last a few minutes and is also painless. The device will slowly turn around you and make a humming noise. After a few minutes your appointment has been completed and you will leave the practice for this day.
During the entire treatment our team will take care that you are well at all times. Should you have any questions or problems you can ask our physicians and staff at any time. During the therapy you will have regular check-ups by our physicians . The objective is the optimal realisation of the planned therapy.
At the end of the therapy you will attend another detailed appointment with your radiotherapy physician: in a physical examination the physician will obtain more information how the treated region is reacting. Any unanswered questions in this context of the therapy will be answered.
The main topic however will be the continuation of the treatment. Before leaving the practice it will be ensured that you will continue receiving good medical care. And finally we will make an appointment with you to receive your first statuary after-care examination.

Observation of the condition progress
We will not leave you on your own with your condition and will organise any further therapy.
Independent of the treatment your doctor will provide the law obliges us, the radiotherapists, with the duty of providing after-care especially in the case of cancer patients. This is of course from a medical point of view sensible and desirable.
We will make appointments with you in regular intervals, where we will meet and discuss the actual state of your condition. In the context of these appointments we will view any new medical documentation and carry out a physical examination. Any instrumental examinations will not be carried out during such appointments.
The most important issue during such appointments is to find out how you feel. Naturally we hope that you are well, however, should this not be the case, it will be important to counteract this as soon as possible: In such case we will arrange and implement with your doctor the required therapeutic measures – you will not be on your own with your condition.